WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU UK Healthcare & Social Care Services Support
Do you own or manage a Home Care Agency, Supported Living service, Supported Accommodation 16-17 years old young people’s service, Domiciliary Care Agency, Residential Children’s Home, Residential Care Home, Nursing Home, or Care Employment Agency, in UK? The most important aspect of your Health and Social Care business or your duty is to meet Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) fundamental standards and the new CQC Single Assessment Framework, Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOEs) to make sure you provide a safe, effective, responsive, caring and well-led service, that is compliant in all areas that are required by the CQC and other regulatory bodies. If registering with Ofsted, you will need to comply with the Ofsted Guide to the Children’s Homes Regulations including the quality standards in line with The Children’s Act and The Care Act 2000. For Supported Accommodation, you will need to comply with the new guidance on registering Supported Accommodation with Ofsted. Policies and procedures will play an important part in registration with CQC and Ofsted. If you run a children service or supported accommodation, you need to comply with Ofsted’s Quality standards and Children Home’s regulations. The process can appear to be a minefield if not done properly and professionally. The financial consequences of non-compliance are immense. Your personal or organisational reputation may be put at risk if proper systems and processes are not put in place. Worst case scenario may be closure of business and serious financial penalties and losses if CQC or Ofsted and Local Authorities compliance is continuously breached and insufficient remedial action taken. At Ultra Healthcare, we support you to start healthcare business, in Supported Living, Domiciliary Care, Home Care, Supported Accommodation 16-17 years old young people, children services or temporary employment agency. We support you with CQC registration and Ofsted registration. We have Domiciliary Care / Home Care policies and procedures, Supported Living Policies and Procedures, Children Services Policies and Procedures and Care Agencies Policies and Procedures. Our Quality Assurance Management Systems (QAMS) will support you to comply with CQC and Ofsted regulations. If you need bid and tender writing, we will work with you, as we have highly qualified staff to support your applications. Tenders for Health and Social Care is our speciality. Our Health and Social Care Leadership, Coaching, Mentoring and Coaching services will support managers and leaders to deliver an outstanding service. We also support Diploma Level 5- Leadership and Management training. |
Bid Tender Writing
CQC Registration
Healthcare Policies & Proceedures
Quality Assurance Management
Start A Care Business
Ultra Healthcare Solutions offer a wide range of consultancy services to health and social care sector organisations in UK.
We support you to start your Healthcare business and maintain it into profitability.
Here are the reasons why you can choose us with confidence.