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Quality Assurance Audits

Quality Assurance Audits

In Adult Social Care, quality starts from what matters most to enable people to live their lives in the way they want. By definition, there can be no ‘one size fits all’ in personalised care and support. Getting the right balance for people can only be achieved through a person-centred approach which understands someone’s personal history, current circumstances, future aspirations and what is important to them. This may change over time – so it is important not to make assumptions.

Quality assurance is integral to the provision of good quality care. It has been long recognised as good commercial practice for businesses to check that their goods and services meet customer expectations and comply with industry standards. Within the healthcare sector, regulations require providers to have systems that assure Commissioners, Local Authorities, other stakeholders, and regulatory bodies that they deliver Safe, Caring, Effective, Responsive and Well-Led services (Key Lines Of Enquiry)(KLOEs).

Guidance on meeting KLOEs

The following regulations give guidance on the expectations to be met by providers of regulated activities:
• The Care Act 2014
• Equality Act 2010
• The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014
• Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
• Human Rights Act 1998
• The Local Authority Social Services and National Health Service Complaints (England) Regulations 2009
• Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
• Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
• The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) Regulations 2012

In line with the Quality Assurance and Management Policy  Ultra Healthcare supports organisations to comply with Regulation 17: Good Governance of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 and accompanying Care Quality Commission (CQC) guidance.

Regulation 17 requires care providers to have systems for regularly assessing and monitoring the quality of the services and of risks to the safety of the people who use the service as an integral part of their accountability role.

Our Quality Audit Package includes all relevant and appropriate quality compliance systems to make sure you are abreast with the latest guidance  on Key Lines of Enquiries (KLOEs) and legislation.

The Quality Assurance and Management Care Package  organised in an easy to follow structure. You will have up to 140 various audits and forms to select as appropriate to your needs; divided into the following sections:


Caring Audits :-will evidence how your organisation delivers quality care in the following areas:

  • Care Relationships
  • Involvement
  • Privacy and Dignity.  


Effectiveness Audits -evidence how your organisation meets this Key Line of Enquiry with regards to:

  • Healthcare
  • Mental Capacity and Consent
  • Meeting nutritional needs
  • Partnership working
  • premises audits and
  • effective staffing. 


Effectiveness Audits- evidence how your organisation meets this Key Line of Enquiry with regards to :

  • Healthcare
  • Mental Capacity and Consent
  • Meeting nutritional needs
  • Partnership working
  • Premises audits and
  • Effective staffing. 


Effectiveness Audits -evidence how your organisation meets this Key Line of Enquiry with regards to :

  • Healthcare
  • Mental Capacity and Consent
  • Meeting nutritional needs
  • Partnership working
  • Premises audits and
  • Effective staffing. 


Responsiveness Audits -evidence how your organisation meets this Key Line of Enquiry with regards to:-

  • Managing complaints and concerns
  • End of Life and
  • Person centred care planning.  


Safety Audits -evidence how your organisation meets this Key Line of Enquiry with regards to:-

  • Accessing and managing risks
  • Infection control
  • Learning from mistakes
  • Safe use of medication
  • Safeguarding people and
  • Safer recruitment. 


Well Led  Audits -evidence how your organisation meets this Key Line of Enquiry with regards to:-

  • Continuous learning
  • Engagement and involvement
  • Good governance
  • Partnership working and
  • Person centred  care planning. 

How your quality assurance documents will be delivered to you.

Documents will be delivered via email in editable word format. Ultra Healthcare Solutions can customise your documents at an extra cost. 

Cost (Customised)


Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOEs)

KLOEs are used by CQC inspectors to make a judgement about the quality of service being provided. A service will be rated depending on how they have evidenced compliance to the outcomes as stated in the Fundamental Standards. 

KEY LINES OF ENQUIRY Below are the question you need to answer about your service. Is the service?


It means people, staff and visitors are protected from abuse and avoidable harm.

Our QAMS will support providers to evidence the following: 

  • S1-As a registered provider, you must have systems, processes and practices that safeguard people from abuse. 
  • S2-Risks assessments must be in place, monitored and regularly reviewed and their freedom respected
  • S3-Service must have sufficient suitably qualified staffing levels at all times
  • S4-Medication must be used safely.
  • S5-There must be effective infection control and prevention measures. 
  • S6-A service must learn  and improve

Contact our team if you need support in this area. 

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