The Registered Manager’s duties and responsibilities
A registered manager is an individual employed by a service provider to ensure that the people supported by the organisation always receive high quality, people centered care. A registered manager is the lead professional in the service and a role model to all staff. However there are certain requirements relating to a registered manager. Namely the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014: Regulation 7 and Care Quality Commission (CQC) guidance. Service providers who comply will have registered managers who are of good character, are able to properly perform tasks intrinsic to their role, have the necessary qualifications, competence, skills and experience to manage the regulated activity as well as insures they have supplied documents that confirm their suitability.
A registered managers duties and responsibilities mainly center around five areas. These are: Compliance, Service Delivery, Service Development, Team management and leadership and Quality assurance.
- Compliance – ensuring that the service meets the requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and CQC Fundamental Standards introduced in April 2015. These help maintain high quality service and ensure delivery of safe, personalised services to each individual service user. Before a provider can begin to provide a regulated activity they must apply to CQC for registration.
- Service Delivery – overseeing and coordination of care workers across all areas as well as ensuring good communication and links with all stakeholders. Must ensure service delivery that is people centered, accessible, flexible and reliable as well as making certain the office is resourced during work hours as well as an effective out of hours on call service.
- Service Development – must ensure the growth and development of services by increasing the delivered hours as well as maximising referral and marketing opportunities.
- Team Management and Leadership – must effectively manage the staff team involved in the service provision, ensuring a coordinated and consistent approach. The registered manager is also involved in identifying recruitment needs and ensure the service is appropriately resourced with capacity for growth.
- Quality Assurance – must ensure the service delivery is implemented and maintained to meet Quality Assurance policy standards.
As the registered manager you are the lead professional in your service, a role model for all staff. The various skills, acquired knowledge and values that drive your work also set a standard. You have a statutory role and a wide range of responsibilities. Above all, you have a pivotal role to play. Together with your team you can turn your organisation’s vision and their purpose statement into real practice, putting the people who use your service at the center of everything, and constantly reflecting on whether or not you are doing the very best that can be done.